27 August 2017

Planning: whatever happened to consultation?

Is this what we really want?
I attended a forum on Wednesday evening around engagement hosted by the LGA and DPTI. the paper presented on consultation really had it all and there is little need to change anything. However, what is actually happening regarding consultation does not reflect the well thought out plans.
In the recent Ministerial DPA the Minister, John Rau, has identified sites he thinks are project ready on the main transport corridors. Some of these are in Unley and residents have been given an opportunity to have their say. And this they have done. At least half the representations received were concerning only one site and this is in Unley. The problem is that there are other sites that their owners think are also project ready but Mr Rau did not include them in the DPA. But he has allowed these sites to make submissions for inclusion. What next, it a truly consultative manner he would ensure that these sights, if suitable, are included in a further list of properties and not in this one. However, he has failed to give any surety to residents that this will be the case. This asks the questions;
How were the original sites selected? 
How will future sites be selected? 
What’s wrong with allowing Councils to continue to write their own DPAs and to consult with their residents directly? 

Why allow Councils to spend working time on producing a document that Mr Rau agreed on and then change the rules to suit yourself?

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