25 June 2020

Council waives rates for it largest ratepayer!

Last Monday after extensive debate Council agreed to waive rates for twelve months for  the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society. This will cause a significant shortfall in rate revenue at they are our largest single ratepayer.. They have contributed millions of dollars to Council revenue over the last few years. Unfortunately due to COVID 19 and the cancelling of the 2020 show and most other events their income has been reduced significantly.  I have real concerns that this may impact on the proposed 2020-21 budget or see the cancelling of some Council events or services. I also wonder what Council will do next if this sets a precedent for others to ask for such  large discount. As I have previously blogged I supported a 25% rebate for this years rate for all affected businesses but believe this generosity is not in the interest of all ratepayers.

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