07 June 2020

Daily moves update

 Unley Council Daily Moves Program Events | Eventbrite
The Daily Moves Project (funded through AusSports) was very quick to respond during March 2020 by moving their presence to an online one, promoting many topics of interest to older people via webinars, YouTube videos and recorded presentations. This has attracted more than 2,000 views/120 hours view time over the period.

The team has also been very busy distributing exercise packs to older people who requested additional information, support and personal exercise equipment. Over 200 exercise packs have been delivered, which has included an assortment of reading materials, including fact sheets, all abilities exercise program book and they have even created their own recipe book, which includes some great immune-boosting recipes based on participants feedback. The packs have also included a range of various small pieces of exercise equipment, with each pack individualised based on participants needs, while ensuring safety for the participant when they exercise. The equipment supplied has ranged from small dumbbells, resistance bands of various strengths, massage balls and ankle weights etc. all the equipment provided has come with comprehensive instructions on how to use each piece. The promotional campaign embarked on over this period has seen over 250 new participants join the program which has been a very pleasing and unexpected response.

You can watch the Daily Moves YouTube Channel  here and you can access their weekly e-newsletters here

The Wellbeing Program has recently sent out to over 500 of our most vulnerable older residents, a client care package in a reusable calico shopping bag, with contents including a biodegradable pot, seedlings to plant in the garden, a puzzle book and pen, individual serves of tea, coffee, sweet biscuits, cup of soup, honey, porridge, tissues and hand sanitiser, (all provided through donations or grant funding). Along with the Daily Moves recipe book and other useful handouts and information. 

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