This was a short Agenda but very relevant to Goodwood South.
- Kelvin Avenue pocket park; 6 people chose to make a deputation to support their letter submitted during the consultation phase for the most recent consultation on this issue. The pocket park was approved by Council in September 2010, this meeting was to discuss the road closure. All residents were letter boxed that lived near the proposed road closure, and an advertisement was placed in both The Advertiser and the Eastern Courier. Both Don and I put out a newsletter at that time asking people to put in their submissions, both he and I have mentioned it in the blogs that we keep. About 11 submissions were in favour of the closure and 9 against, additional to this a petition was lodged with 23 signatures supporting the proposal. All emergency services have been consulted and were happy, with slight modification required by ETSA. My understanding is that the key issues are the lack of understanding about the purpose of a pocket park and the rerouting of traffic that currently use Kelvin Ave to turn north and south on East Ave rather than using Mill St or George St. Less than 300 cars a day use the street, anecdotal evidence suggests well over half use this as a short cut, they neither start nor finish their journey in Unley. Local residents are used to using this street as it seen to be an easier access point. In the end the debate for the road closure won the day. Don Palmer suggested some modifications to the parking and signage at the East Ave and Mills St corner and the East Ave and George St corner which should be able to make entrances and exits safer. The link to the pocket park design is;
- Undergrounding of power lines in Goodwood Rd is now a real possibility as the Power Lines Environment Committee have asked Council to fund a portion of the cost (about a third) of this service. This would dramatically improve the amenity of Goodwood Rd. Design work would need to be funded next financial year.
- The fees and charges Register has now been updated with some changes. I was successful in ensuring that family entrance to the pool is still for 2 adults and 3 children.
- The small sponsorship and donations scheme has allocated $8,000 to children, living in Unley , to help defray the costs of travel and competition in elite sports competitions, eg SAPSASA tennis, U14 basketball. At least 50 children have benefited from this in the last year. Amounts up to $150 have been paid.
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