04 August 2011

Should the Mayor stand down?

Mayor Lachlan Clyne was arrested on Tuesday on 4 charges, all of which are serious. They allegedly relate to some emails sent during the election campaign last October and November. Mayor Clyne ran against Goodwood South Councillor, Les Birch, and former State member of parliament, Mark Brindal and won by some 300 votes.
At this point in time Council has no power to request that he stand down, he must choose to do this on his own account. We can, however, appoint an alternate spokesperson and remove him from any committee positions that he holds. We also need a Deputy Mayor should at any time Lachlan be unable to fulfill his duties. This time I don't think it will be a job I want. Ultimately the Council will decide what will happen if the Mayor decides to stay or if he decides to stand down. The courts will decide if he is guilty or not, however, although there will be a directions hearing in September the matter may not be decided until this time next year.
This has been very damaging for the Council image, my many emails tell me that you are not happy with the current situation. Will he stand down? Should he stand down? Two different arguments, he will decide one you will decide the other.
You comments are very welcome.


  1. That is a decision for the Mayor to make in consultation with his legal advisers and family.
    As for the image of the council, it still has a long way to go before it catches up with Burnside. I think actions such as this though hurry the process along a tad.
    If I were in the Mayor's position, whether or not I was guilty I would be feeling a bit embarrassed and would be pleased to have a deputy stand in for me while I took a more backseat profile. I think your profile in this is too high and agree with your decision not to seek the job. At the current time I think you serve your constituents and council well.

  2. John Robertson07 August, 2011 16:29

    He must stand down until the legal matter is dealt with by the court. That's the normal expectation.

  3. He may be innocent until proven guilty, however, everytime he represents the face of Council the current situation will come to people's minds. This IS human nature and we are not perfect although some may like to think they are. I think a very low profile would be the best way to go and having a deputy to represent him would avoid unnecessary reflections by people. To be assured, the media WILL continue to roll out this story so long as it makes a good story. No face - no worthwhile story.

  4. To some extent I agree with Deirdre. No face on council means less for people to continually bring forward and nothing to detract from the good work of Unley Council and the Councillors. I say, let nothing be hidden so that we cannot in anyway be compared with Burnside. Questions will continue to arise in the minds of people until this matter is finally settled by the courts but in the meantime, Council should try to limit Council’s exposure to it. Electing a deputy could not be construed in the public eye as a “sacking” or making the Mayor step down.

  5. Mr Robertson has suggested that Lachlan must stand down. I would remove the must but would suggest it as an expedient measure. He has been elected by the people of Unley and represents their interests. Can he do this in the current situation? Maybe he can with a lot of support and the media leaving him alone. My friends are already saying "your Mayor ...." and linking the actions of Lachlan to Unley Council as the media has done with linking Cr Boisvert to the issue.
    I am glad I am not in the position of people on Unley Council having to make this call.
