16 August 2015

Brown Hill creek consultation report

This report has been prepared by the Stormwater Management Authority. It summarises the recent consultation process and the results of the survey. It makes no recommendations for future action although I could find a few statements that I thought had a bias toward one option or the other. Unley Council will review this report at its next meeting on August 24th and then debate  and  decide a recommended option on the 28th September. However, the full report is freely available now on the West Torrens Council website. You can find it at:   http://www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/Council/Meetings/Agendas_Minutes
You will  then need to click on the Agenda for the 18th August

See what you think, I would love to see lots of comments on this one.


  1. just build a bloody dam.
    that's all that's required.

  2. Just clean up the creek and be done with it. A dam isn't needed.

  3. Hi Jennie, do you or anyone in your family have a property on or near the creek?

  4. No, but I did for 17 years, it was on our property. I watched it fill to the brim on 3 occasions and these were considered to be 1:10 and 1:20 events. It rose so quickly it was frightening.

  5. Hi Jennie, it sounds like a good reason to clean out the overgrown vegetation and rubbish from the creek and widen it at the choke points to allow the 1 in 100 events to flow through.

  6. Sounds like a good reason to cleanup (we always kept our bit clear), widening would have caused up to loose access to much of our property and wiped out the shed. It would also have bought the rushing torrent 2 metres closer to the house. Then again, a dam would have held back the first rush of water from the hills and the flush from the suburbs would have passed before the held up water got there.

  7. That's good to hear you kept your part of the creek clear. It sounds like the experts have identified that the creek needs cleaning out and widening under any proposal - a dam or no dam. Do you know if your old part of the creek has been identified as one of the areas that need widening and re-walling?

  8. Both proposals require cleaning out, only the dam proposal eliminates the need to widen. It is a myth widely believed that the above is not true. Another is the upper Brown Hill Creek as you know it will be destroyed if a dam is built. In reality a dam will over superior protection from flooding, will take up less than 100 metres of the creek (on private land) and protect 5.4 kilometres of creek being destroyed as a natural environment.
