30 September 2015

Special Council meeting: 29th september 2015 Brown Hill Creek

Last's night's meeting wasn't quite the marathon that the first debate on Brown Hill creek was but still went for well over 2 hours. It took 3 well debated motions before one was passed. The first and the original motion as recommended by staff gained only one vote (Option D-widening). The second, which supported Option B2 (dam) lost 4 to 5. The final motion was in effect an amendment to Option D in that it included a lot of  conditions under which Option D would be acceptable. None of these conditions would have been necessary if a dam was to be constructed. However, given that the other 4 Councils had already voted to support Option D the chance of a dam ever being constructed was already at zero. This was passed 5 to 4. Cr Hewitson spoke against and voted against all 3 motions as he believed that none provided the necessary harvesting of water.
This means that Unley has now agreed with the other Councils and the Stormwater management Authority will now be able to direct Councils to proceed with more detailed design and scheduling and funding options for the work to begin. There won't be a rush though as I don't foresee even the essential clearing starting anytime soon.

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