22 December 2011

Leah St upgrade Jan 2012

The agreed works will start on Leah St on Jan 9th 2012. After consultation the footpaths will be paved, the road resurfaced and speed humps installed. This will cause some disruption to local traffic during construction and may result in some traffic diversion into Goodwood South especially via Victoria St and Mills St. However, it should also encourage those inclined to take a short cut through East Ave to choose an alternate route for their journey and stay on Goodwood Rd or South Rd. Clearly the latter is the preferred option. The residents on Leah St have been requesting this solution for a long time.


  1. What about the buses? Surely they will not be happy about speed humps? If council was serious about getting through traffic out of Leah Street they would NOT have moved the stop sign from East Avenue to Aroha Terrace. It is time we on the Eastern side of Goodwood Road realised that Unley Council's care factor about us is almost nil.

  2. The full report on this can be found at;http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/URSC_Item_27_-_Leah_Street_Traffic_Management_-_13_July_2011.pdf. It is my understanding that the buses can negotiate the humps.
