24 December 2011

Waste Collcection for 2012

Here is the calendar for 2012. The day that the waste is collected will not be changed. If you have other junk you can book a Hard Waste collection once each year. To do this you need to make a call to Council (83725111) and make a booking. There is a short delay between booking and collection, however, you will be given the day of collection when you book. The rubbish should be neatly stacked on the footpath the evening before.

If you see illegally dumped rubbish you can let me know and I will ensure it is removed promptly for you. Booked collections will have a green sticker that is supplied by Council.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jennie. One thing that would be great to include annually would be a set of the "Check your Speed" stickers for the side of bins. Anything would help to keep the speed of local traffic manageable, and that is a good use of bins. Cheers, Ben
