There were lots of petitions his month. They included a desire for better lighting and fencing at Fraser Reserve, footpath repair of
Third Avenue
, Black Forest and a call for the sale of an Housing SA property in Parkside. The latter is not a matter for Local Government, the other two certainly are. But what value does a petition have? (I will write a separate blog on this).
To be ratified this week is;
· the installation of the speed pillows in
Leah St
: the recommendation ratifies is for immediate installation. While I support the residents in wanting this treatment I'm quite sure that many people will be surprised (they probably don't read this blog) and will complain loudly.
Appointment of Development Assessment Panel Members from Dec 2012; This report called for the selection of Councillors for the next DAP, this would then allow time for these people to be part of the selection panel for Independent Members; these positions will then be advertised in July for application by interested candidates. This was quite was poorly written and showed little understanding of the issues that must be considered in selecting this Panel. For example even though the Panel should have as far as possible equal representation from both men and women (which for Unley has mostly meant only one woman) the report suggested that the three current members (all male) be re-elected. Also that this same all male group be the panel to select the new DAP. The report was deferred and no decisions made. This was not a good start for one of our new General Managers!
Tobacco Products Regulation Amendment Bill 2012; Council will uphold the automatic bans provided within the legislation. This means that it will be illegal to smoke within 10 metres of a children's play ground. This also means in playgrounds like Dora Guild and Princess Margaret the entire area will be non-smoking and at the Goodwood Oval the bans, at this time, only be near the playground area. The expiation fee for this is set at $75.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander War Memorial; Council agreed to donate $1,789 toward a Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander War Memorial in the Torrens Parade Ground. This is a worthwhile cause that should be supported.
2012-13 Annual business Plan and Budget Adoption; The rate rise was approved at $5.1% with no allowance for the Carbon Tax, when prices rise they will need to be identified and funded through budget reviews during the year. I will write a separate blog next week to say exactly what is in the budget for Goodwood South that is additional to recurrent spending. A property valued at $500,000 in 2011-12, will now have a property value of $484,000; the rate increase will be $57.
Stormwater Project Update; I was pretty surprised to read Mitcham's take on the Stormwater plan in their spread in the recent Eastern Courier. I personally don't believe that abandoning the dam at this point in time is in the best interest of many Unley residents, while the most recent report for alternate solutions is still confidential to Unley people it can be found on the Mitcham Council website. However, this does mean the Unley can proceed with the Ridge Park and Heywood Park Aquifer Recharge projects early next year.
Centennial Park Cemetery Authority; Draft operating budget. This matter is confidential.
There are also some elected member motions including;
Impact of the Carbon Tax (Schnell)
Change of Meeting Venue (Lapidge); The next Council meeting will be held at Goodwood Community Centre at 7pm on July 23rd. This is an attempt to get some more people at meetings (any more than one would be a crowd)
CEO Performance Review Committee (Saies); This was an attempt to stop Council from using a consultant to help with this process, and thought to be too constrictive to be successful.
I asked a series of questions about the status of the Sturt Football Club following the recent press coverage to ascertain what information published was true and what was incorrect. These have been answered comprehensively and make interesting reading, they also allow all Councillors to have the same information at the same time rather than endless innuendo and some having privy to information that others do not.
The full Agenda can be found at;
The culvert alternative to the dams report can be found at;
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