06 October 2012

City Strategy Meeting; Oct 8th 2012

This looked like quite a short Agenda, nevertheless these matters are important and like most things they seem to take as long as the you have time you have to deal with them.

Land Management Agreement with St. Augustine's Church- Village Green Extension; This has been bubbling along for a while and while I will probably support it I feel hat we have other more pressing things to spend our money on. However, it is an opportunity to secure more public use for an area of land that is adjacent the Council chambers and has direct links to Unley Rd and the Shopping centre. The plans look good, the money is in the budget and we should see better use of this area of land. PASSED with some discussion about the type of paving and the amount of green space.

Review of the Environment Sustainability Plan 2012-13; This plan is reviewed annually and not many changes are envisioned. Some of the projects completed in 2011-12 include;
  • the development of a bike network map
  • energy and solar panel reviews at the Civic Centre, Pool and Libraries
  • information sessions on Solar Energy for residents
  • stormwater capture in rain gardens in Wattle St
  • promotion of ecobums
  • review of waste management at Council facilities
  • promotion of Food Waste for Organics bin for residents
  • development of pocket parks
  • adopt a tree programme
  • water sensitive urban design projects in Owen St, Hamilton Blvd and Wattle St
  • adoption of a food security strategy
  • identification of the Goody Patch and Parkside PS for Community Gardens
  • no smoking in playgrounds and options for non smoking areas in restaurant's outdoor areas where they are leased from Council.
  • PASSED with an Amendment by me to reflect the No-smoking initiatives that should have been included.
Policy Review; The policies to be reviewed show mostly changes required by law and improved grammar. Policies being reviewed include the Small Sponsorship Donation Scheme and Youth Sponsorship Scheme; under the new policy a person will only be able to claim once each year and will not be able to apply for both. However, if they are competing at and international level this may be approved more than once. PASSED
The full agenda can be found at; http://www.unley.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/Agenda%20CSP%20October%202012.pdf

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