18 October 2012

Representation Review

The Representation Review has been placed on the website under Community Consultations/Program of Consultations/Consultations in Progress
The link is below.
Now it is time to have your say about you you wish to be represented. It is my view that the mayor should be elected by the Councillors after the main election. These people are in a a better position to know how the persons contending for the position lead, how they demonstrate good practice and how well they can chair a meeting. They are not fooled by glossy brochures or expensive campaigns.It also means that the losing candidates will still be on Council and able to offer continued service in this role. I would also like to investigate ways that would see more women elected to Council.
Unfortunately, this link does not take you to a feedback form; you will need to write a letter or send an email to Council to have your say. I will see if I can get this added in the next few days. Nor is there a deadline given for having your say!

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