02 October 2012

October Update 2012

The following locations have been given to police for enforcement due to people continueing to flout the road rules         
  • U-turns at the corner of Mills St and Goodwood Rd
  • Keeping clear the entrance to Aroha Tce when traveling north on East Ave, especially when waiting for a tram
  • Cyclists riding their bikes through the underpass at Goodwood Station.
All of these maneuvers are dangerous and are happening dozens of times each day at each location
Trees in Aroha Tce have now been inspected by an arborist; this  occurred before the recent failure of one of the trees. The report will be available soon.
Millswood Cres; trees from Ravensthorpe to Ormonde will be inspected by an arborist to assess the health of the trees and to see if any need replacing.
Princess Margaret shade structure has been temporarily repaired. Staff are waiting for confirmation about it’d heritage status before repairing he structure.
Oakley Ave-Traffic and Parking Investigation has resulted in few residents supporting the proposal to restrict parking. This outcome, given the residents and not the cyclists were consulted, is not surprising. However, given that the Greenways Project will link Chelmsford Ave and Victoria St within the rail corridor the urgency for this action is diminished. With all crossings at the railway line in Victoria St unavailable  (Jan 2013-Oct 2013) while the lines are being upgraded this will also reduce the chance of conflict with cars as fewer people will have a need to use Oakley Ave.
Rat Running via Selkirk Ave; A resident asked me to investigate this as cars are using Forest Ave, Selkirk Ave, Aroha Tc and then under the tram overpass to access Everard Park. The statistics show the volume of traffic has reduced form 540 movements/day to 435 m/d over the last 3 years. It is possible that the number diminished even further after the give way at Aroha Tce was reversed and now there seems to be more. I can’t get the numbers for each year. However, this is considered a very low volume of traffic.

Tonight Councillors have another breifing from DPTI, hopefully I will have an accurate update tomorrow.

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