06 January 2015

Love to ride Challenge

Unley in partnership with the Adelaide City Council and Cities of Burnside; Charles Sturt; Norwood, Payneham & St Peters; and West Torrens is participating in the Love to Ride 2015 Challenge. This important initiative demonstrates our commitment to a collaborative approach to the promotion of bike riding across Adelaide. We recognise that whilst we are actively improving cycling infrastructure within Unley, we also need to actively participate in programs that promote the take-up of cycling as an alternative travel mode for our residents and commuters travelling through Unley. The Rugby Street and Porter Street corridor is an example of a popular cyclist route into the CBD, as well as providing important local connections to schools, childcare, parks, community services and shops within Unley. The Love to Ride 2015 Challenge compliments the improvements in physical infrastructure and continues our collaboration with Adelaide City Council with the implementation of the signage strategy for this cycling route.

Known previously as the Tour de Work, the Love to Ride Challenge is a FREE competition to see which workplace can encourage the most staff to ride a bike for 10 minutes or more. It’s simple, fun and is based on numbers taking part not kilometers cycled and participants can ride anywhere, anytime to be eligible to win great prizes. All that participants need to do is register online at www.lovetoride.net/adelaide and encourage others to participate. Participants also can win great prizes just for logging a ride and a free movie ticket for encouraging a new rider to experience the fun of being on a bike again.
The focus on a short, easily achievable goal of 10 minutes helps the program to reach the key target audiences of non and occasional bike riders, who are then encouraged by experienced and regular cyclists.  Free courses are available for new riders and riders that want more experience of being on a bike – click here for more information.

Further information can be found at www.lovetoride.net/adelaide.

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