01 May 2013

May Update ;2013

The following short updates
  • The Local Area Traffic Management plan for Black Forest has finished collecting data and Tonkins are now putting together a plan that responds to this information. The draft plan will be present to Don and I at our next ward briefing. It will then be modified by our feedback before it is publicly consulted.
  • Leah St speed humps are receiving more and more negative feedback including a petition form First Ave presented to the last Council meeting.
  • A pavement bar will be installed at the corner of Lynton Ave and Millswood Cres. After much negotiation the original design has been modified.
  • The owners of the Black Forest Shopping Centre will be sent a reminder that they need to comply with their development approval in the way that rubbish is stored behind the buildings.
  • The street sweeping trial has completed and received an enormous amount of feedback. This is taking longer to collate than expected.
  • After some complaints Council will seek consent from the DAP  to remove only one of the significant trees that an arborist recommended for removal in Aroha Tce.
  • Council are about to consult about landscaping as part of the Greenways Project from East Ave to South Rd.
  • Council are currently consulting about the removal of the dead and almost dead trees in Parker Tce and Canterbury Tce. This is a total of 50 trees. Replacement species have been suggested that residents are being asked their preference on.
  • Langdon Ave residents did not all agree on exactly which trees could be removed and which not, a final plan has been sent out for final consent on tree removals and replacement species.Consultation has begun on the removal of the tree which is significant at the eastern end.
  • Residents have expressed concern about lines of sight in the western end of Victoria St, this is yet to be investigated. While inspecting with the resident I was amazed at the number of people speeding in the vicinity when it could be argued that all traffic and the current time should be local traffic
  • Lorraine Ave and Lonsdale Ave are to be resealed this week.

 may be of interest;

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