10 May 2012

Pedestrian Crossing- South Rd

Marion Council have written to Pat Conlon, Minister for Transport to request the installation of a pedestrian overpass near Black Forest Primary School.  They are encouraging Unley to do the same. This is a long overdue project and one that was discussed at length when planning the tram overpass on South Rd. The government are reluctant to approve pedestrian activated crossings on South Rd as they believe this will impede the flow of traffic. However, very few people, especially children, that need to cross South Rd  near the school would walk as far as the tram crossing to cross safely. This is a long overdue project but after reading the budget doom and gloom in the paper today I don't think this project will happen soon. However, the state government will start work immediately to upgrade the pedestrian and cycle crossing on Goodwood Rd at the Glenelg tramline to improve safety at this level crossing. I will ensure that I follow up by ensuring Unley Council follows Marion's lead in this.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how overpass will work. It would have to cater for disabled access, bikes, prams. Good luck with ideas.
