11 March 2013

ARTC Train Timetables

At the request of a resident I emailed ARTC (Australian Rail Track Corporation) to try to ascertain some facts around the freight train movements through the Goodwood/ Millswood area. It used to be that the schedule was pretty predictable but certainly not in recent times. Her request stemmed from; if she were able to predict when the Leader St crossing would be closed this would enable her to choose to use Mills St (even though it was a much longer journey to do this) when she left home. The answer, in summary said we support everything DPTI is doing as our trains will be able to move faster through this area when the work is completed. I knew that. The reply then said that trains can take between 5 and 16 minutes to pass any given point and can be 40 minutes ahead of or behind schedule. Also during the current works they may be slower than this. The freight line is also used by other hirers for grain trains and such services  So what I learned was we don't know and really you should always take the longer trip, it may be quicker,easier and less frustrating. Given that the track is mostly a single line with given passing loops I found this information concerning, but what I think he really said was this is a secret that we won't be giving and answer to today.

1 comment:

  1. John from Black Forest18 March, 2013 12:53

    WOT THA - of course they wont share their secrets with the community. But waiting over 16 minutes (allowing for approach time too) at Leader or Victoria Streets or Cross Road, how much traffic is going to bank up at any of those points? Better pack a picnic meal and a few beers to have while you sit and wait for them to pass, or use Anzac Highway to avoid the problem all together.
