10 September 2014

Brown Hill Creek final report


The most recent (and maybe final) report into the Plan B solution for Brown Hill creek can be read at the above link. Take the time to read this paper. I believe that it fails to tell the reader exactly what the best solution is rather than the cheapest solution that is probably effective. I have real concerns about which sections of the creek are identified as needing widening and deepening and which do not. I've walked the creek bed many times over the last 20 years and just don't see it the same way.
When it comes to public consultation it will be interesting to see just what weight is given to the arguments for and against from the creek owners themselves as compared to everyone else. I fear that the no dam solution will get tied up in legal cases and additional expense that will outweigh the estimated $5 million in savings very quickly. What do you think after reading it, do we need a dam or don't we?

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