12 September 2014

Elections are getting closer

Have had time this week to put in my nomination to be re-elected as your ward Councillor. But this time for Clarence Park Ward which is the renamed Goodwood South. You'll note I have changed the header on my blog. I also need to update the pages. Having to write the 150 words for  the electoral commission is challenging as one is not allowed to make a comment about any decision of Council. This is the information that accompanies the ballots and will appear in the Unley Life magazine in October.  So far there are mostly the incumbent Councillors with their names up and only one woman, me. I will be asking for your support and vote again and will be distributing fliers over the coming weeks. I have already started door knocking and will be spending  Saturday and Sunday afternoon this week end out meeting people and renewing old friendships and acquaintances. Hopefully, I will have caught up with all of you before the end of October. If you are not at home when I call please call me to make a time to come back or to discuss any concerns you may have over the phone.


  1. Jennie, you have been a great Councillor. Always willing to listen and to help find a solution.

  2. Love your bright coloured clothes.
