I have now been on Council for 10 years (although not consecutively) and feel that there have been significant improvements in the ward during that time most of them due to my initiative and hard work on your behalf. My achievements in the last four years alone include;
- better traffic management, especially in Black Forest where a Local Area Traffic Management Plan has be initiated, consulted and agreed to be residents
- the reopening of Millswood Station (I am a committee member of the group that achieved this)
- upgrading of Princess Margaret Playground and Page Park (toilets and fitness equipment)
- a footpath acceleration plan that now sees $1.5 million each year being spent on paving those footpaths that are still bitumen; there are now only 9 footpaths in Clarence Park that have not been paved
- advocating with Department of Planning and Infrasructure on your behalf for reducing the impact of the Goodwood Junction rail upgrade on residential amenity
- No culverts in Millswood for flood mitigation; a final plan for flood proofing to be consulted with residents and creek owners
- Better governance practices on within elected members and Council
- Walk lights on Goodwood Rd
- an improvement plan for Goodwood Oval and Millswood Lawns that is practical and achievable
- landscaping upgrades in streets
- the shelving of many of the recommendations regarding smaller site areas and less height restrictions (known as DPA2) in both Clarence Park and Black Forest.
- an effective Board at Clarence Park Community Centre
- non-smoking in all playgrounds, many restaurants and most events in Unley (Royal Show, Gourmet Gala)
- better and more frequent line marking especially of the yellow (parking restriction) lines
- improved asset management through my role as Chair of the Infrastructure and Capital Improvements Committee
- an improved waste management contract with some sustainable initiatives
- as a member of the Rail Freight Diversion committee some movement in governments thinking regarding re-routing the freight train
- an effective volunteer graffiti removal team (but they cannot remove graffiti on rail property)
There is, however, still much work to be done. I would like to continue to work on;
- streetscape protection in Clarence Park and Black Forest (Millswood is already protected as a heritage zone). Either retention of current block sizes or larger block sizes. This might still allow for some development on South Rd and Anzac Hwy
- completion of the footpath acceleration plan (all footpaths completed this Council term )
- celebrating the reopening of Millswood station
- further savings in asset management while retaining an exceptional level of service
- implementation of the Local Area Traffic Management Plan recommendations
- implementation of some of the Goodwood Oval and Millswood Lawns recommendations, especially those where the clubs will be contributing and grants are available
- continuing to improve landscapes in streets
- the best solution for flood proofing Unley which according to my reading of even recent reports is building a dam in the upper reaches of Brown Hill Creek and clearing the creek bed
- more water sensitive urban design initiatives
- further implementation of electricity savings in street lighting
- improved governance
- fiscal responsibility
- better east-west connectivity
- continued heritage protection for our heritage zones (these are under threat from recent government so called initiatives)
- working with government to reduce bureaucracy, not increase it by adding a forth layer of governance in both planning and local government governance
- continuing too work towards the rerouteing of freight trains
- improved graffiti management on Transport infrastructure
- improved consultation practices with residents, we can do this so much better than we do!
- Consultation with residents regarding cat by-laws
- Activating initiatives for children
To find out more spend sometime browsing my blog entries over the last four years. You should find them interesting and they will give you an insight into what I believe and what I stand for. During this time my hits per day have increased for 10 or 20 to well over 200 now.
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