05 February 2013

Crossing Closed: Gordon Rd

February 2013
As you are aware, construction work to upgrade the Noarlunga rail line commenced on 2 January 2013. The upgrade of the rail line will include upgrading 13 kilometres of track from Oaklands to Adelaide by installing gauge convertible concrete sleepers, new ballast, new and refurbished rail, upgrading eight level crossings and improving drainage.
As part of this project, it is necessary to close some pedestrian crossings temporarily throughout the construction period to ensure work proceeds safely and efficiently.
The pedestrian crossing located at Gordon Road, Black Forest will be temporarily closed for approximately 8 weeks from early February 2013 with no pedestrian access available at this location. Alternative pedestrian crossings are located at the city end of Emerson Station and at Cowper and Homer Roads.
Pedestrians are advised to only cross the railway tracks at designated locations as construction equipment will be operating in the rail corridor.
Every effort will be made to minimise disruption to residents, however some construction noise is unavoidable. We recognise that reversing beepers on site vehicles are often disruptive, however for safety reasons they cannot be switched off.
Traffic speeds will be reduced to 25km in affected areas, and we ask that motorists, pedestrians and cyclists observe the directions of traffic control staff and signage in the area.    DPTI

The disruption is moving further south. This was recently letter boxed in the area adjacent to the crossing.


  1. Why is it that not one mention has been made of the fact that the overhead gantries for electrification do not fit in the rail corridor and are being installed on Nairne Terrace at Forestville?

    The residents have no idea that this is going to occur. There was a notice letterboxed last week regarding "pilot hole drilling" that is happening this week, however it is not to be found on the DPTI internet site like all the others.

  2. I don't know the answer but will do my best to find out.

  3. The answer has now been posted under the Nairne Tce. I welcome your response to the reply I received.
